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Reality Transurfing® and Quantum Mechanics

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

In 1952, Erwin Schrödinger, a Nobel Prize-winning Austrian-Irish physicist, gave a lecture in Dublin in which he joked that what he was about to say might "seem lunatic". He went on to assert that while what the equation that won him a Nobel prize seems to be describing is several different histories, they are "not alternatives but all really happen simultaneously"! This is the earliest known reference to many-worlds. In this blog, I look at how this is relevant to Reality Transurfing (R) and Active Dreaming.

While Quantum mechanics is a cornerstone of our technology, it's also a kind of Alice in Wonderland world where particles and waves are complementary aspects of energy and matter. A particle’s position is indeterminate until an observation is performed on it. This indeterminacy means that during the time when a particle is traveling from one position to another, it has no specific location. Only when a particle interacts with something does it establish a physical reality to an observer. Quantum mechanics also disallows a single history of the particle, since, if a particle can take any number of parts to an interaction. Then it must take all paths.

Originally physicists thought that the observer establishes reality through observation, which caused the collapse of the wave function of that particle to a single real history. The rest of the other histories were ignored. However many physicists were uncomfortable with giving the observer and a single history such special status. In 1957, Hugh Everett proposed in his doctoral thesis entitled the“Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics” that all the possible histories had to be considered as real. These possible histories had to be considered in relation to each other as separate real histories. All possibilities existed, each in its own dimension or universe. In this view, the wave equation never collapses. It continues to describe the system history as it involves deterministically through all histories. The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics asserts that the universal wave function is objectively real, and there is no wave function collapse. The interpretation was first proposed by Everett and popularized by Bryce DeWitt as many worlds.

Now physicists started to accept the reality of multiple universes, each with a slightly different history. This would explain why military remote viewers see multiple lives when looking at a person’s life history. Could we all exist simultaneously in multiple universes?

Since quantum mechanics negates a single history, then we must have been living multiple lives in the past, the future, as well as multiple lives at each moment of our lives. We do not know of these because quantum mechanics does not allow communication across these different worlds. Each of ourselves would never be consciously aware of the others.

According to Robert Moss, the architect of active dreaming, Active Dreaming seekers can travel not only to the past and the future, but also between alternate timelines. We are constantly experimenting with the possibility that in this way we can help choose an event track – perhaps one of many alternative possible event tracks, or timelines, that will be followed in the world. This could be represented as the observer effect operating on a human scale. At quantum level is the act of observation selects a specific phenomenon on out of a vast array of possibilities. In our dreaming practice, we select a certain event track that will eventually begin to be manifested in the physical world. By a fresh act of observation, or re-visioning, we can then proceed to change that event track or switch to an entirely different one.

Vadim Zeland's work in Reality Transurfing® applies the same principles, but with different protocols. He notes that a quantum article sometimes acts as a particle and sometimes as a wave. An atom can be viewed as either comprising electrons rotating around the nucleus like planets in the solar system, or if their main quality is understood as a wave, then the model of the atom will look like a blurry dot. Both models work reflecting different manifestations of reality. One could say that scientists get what they choose. He accepts the postulate that reality manifests itself in an infinite variety of forms.

Zeland describes the alternative space as a structure that contains information on all possible scenarios of any event that could ever possibly take place, and serves as a template or coordinate grid for movement of all matter in time and space. Reality has such diversity of forms because the number of alternatives for its manifestation is limitless. Transurfing shows us how to select the desired manifestation of reality from the multiplicity of possibilities. The current section of a person’s life is a material manifestation of the alternative space in the section of the lifeline.

Thought energy transforms possible alternatives into physical reality. Therefore managing our own destiny comes just down to one single thing – making a choice.

If you want to find out more about how you can exercise more choice in your life, contact me for a discovery session and see

Joann Greig, August 2020


- Vadim Zeland, “Reality Transurfing: Steps I-V”

- Robert Moss, “Active Dreaming: Journeying Beyond Self-Limitation to a Life of Wild Freedom.”

- John Herlosky, “A Sorcerer’s Apprentice: A Skeptic’s Journey into the CIA’s Project Star Gate”

- Edward Smith, “Quantum Physics for Beginners”

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